欢迎来到教务长/学术事务执行副校长办公室 在丹佛大都会州立大学任教, home to some 17,000名在校生和100多名在校生,000 alumni.

教务长/EVPAA办公室帮助为密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生和教师创造和支持一个相关的、引人入胜的学习/教学环境. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校旨在通过以学生为中心的课程和高素质的教师队伍,促进学生的学习并确保皇冠体育官网, 谁致力于卓越的教学, scholarly activities, and service. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校为学生追求学业提供了一个支持性的学习氛围, 有丰富的机会与同学和老师互动. Students engage in active learning appropriate to their discipline; in doing so, 他们参与了令人兴奋的发现过程, 并有机会在跨越传统学科界限的体验和合作环境中学习.

As a result, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的毕业生为进入各种职业的工作世界做好了充分的准备, 或者追求学士学位后的学习,从而获得高级学术和专业学位和证书. 皇冠官网网站的毕业生已经学会了有效地进行书面交流, through public speaking, and by learning to listen carefully; our graduates also know how to analyze complex problems, 创造性地、批判性地思考, and to work collaboratively to achieve common goals; they have learned to master information literacy and new technologies that will help them meet the challenges of the rapidly changing future and for life in our globally interdependent 21st Century society.

教务长与高级领导团队合作, 包括六位院长(航空航天学院), Computing and Engineering and Design; College of Business; College of Letters, Arts & Sciences; 健康与人文科学学院; School of Education; and School of Hospitality); and five Associate Vice Presidents who oversee Academic Effectiveness, Curriculum and Policy Development; Faculty Affairs; 创新与终身学习; Graduate Studies; and Undergraduate Studies. 皇冠官网网站提供各种形式和场所的学术课程:在校园, online, at several off-campus sites, and, 与科罗拉多社区学院系统合作, 在特定的社区大学校园. 教务处:

  • 促进卓越的学生学习和教师教学;
  • 支持教师多样化的专业发展活动;
  • 积极鼓励和支持教职员工开展资助计划;
  • 调查和拓展皇冠官网网站机会;
  • 成功响应认证要求, state performance indicators, 并根据需要提供州或国家学术项目许可标准;
  • Effectively utilizes resources, including faculty and space, to meet students’ needs, their career goals, and the University’s role and mission; and
  • Continues to review, 评估和改进课程以满足学生的需要,包括通识课程, majors, minors, 证书和执照程序.


Office Hours:

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday


(303) 615-1900

Office Location:


Mailing Address:

P.O. 80217校区48号楼173362号

Physical Address:

科罗拉多州丹佛市Auraria Parkway 890号,邮编80204

Campus Map

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